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This article on the Breeding Technology Sharing Network combines netizen submissions and information to analyze the benefits of sheep eating licked bricks and whether humans can eat things licked by sheep.希望对农民有所帮助。以下是内容的详细分解。扩展分析的几点



1. What are the benefits of cattle and sheep licking bricks?有必要买吗? 2. What are the benefits to sheep from eating sweet meat? 3. Cattle and sheep licking bricks has become a cattle and sheep feed acceptable to most farmers. Do you know why. 4. What is brick licking by cattle and sheep?它有什么用? 5. What are the benefits of sheep eating bricks?


1.牛和绵羊舔砖的好处提供营养:天气下的牛和绵羊舔砖在冬季和早春很冷。 When green feed is crispy, it can also supplement nutrients such as minerals, non-protein nitrogen, and soluble sugar cane molasses for sheep. This can increase the feeding amount and feed utilization rate of sheep, and promote their growth.

2. Fully supplement the various mineral elements needed by cattle and sheep to achieve nutritional balance.它对牛和绵羊对养分的吸收和利用是有益的,并增加了自身的体重,产量,繁殖率和生存率。

3. Promote the growth of cattle and sheep. Such licking bricks for cattle and sheep have undergone a scientific nutritional ratio. After eating, the appetite of cattle and sheep has significantly increased, which greatly improves the utilization rate of feed and the growth rate of cattle and sheep. Cattle and sheep also look stronger and shinier. It is beneficial to the health of cattle and sheep.

4. Compound nutritional licking bricks can provide cattle and sheep with a variety of minerals, non-protein nitrogen, soluble sugar and other easily deficient nutrients, improve the protein digestion efficiency of cattle and sheep, improve production performance, and thus be widely used in营销。晋升。

5. Speaking of which, some people will ask, "How to buy cattle and sheep licking bricks"?首先,看外观。 A good licking brick product has a shape: cube with a round hole in the middle.


1. The benefits of cattle and sheep licking bricks to provide nutrition: Cattle and sheep licking bricks can also supplement nutrients such as mineral elements, non-protein nitrogen, soluble sugar cane molasses and other nutrients for sheep when the climate is cold in winter and early spring. which can increase the feeding amount and feed utilization rate of sheep and promote their growth.

2. Being able to make flexible use of industrial and agricultural by-products (such as bran, cakes, etc.) and their crop residues not only enhances the utilization rate of industrial and agricultural by-products, but is also an important way to solve the shortage of concentrated feed in winter and spring.

3. Salt licking bricks can maintain the electrolyte balance in cattle and sheep, and can also effectively increase milk production in dairy sheep and dairy cows. The most important thing is that it can prevent and treat some diseases of cattle and sheep, such as postpartum paralysis and nutritional anemia. Salt lick bricks are called health care products for cattle and sheep, so the use of salt lick bricks is essential in the process of raising cattle and sheep.

4. Postpartum paralysis, nutritional anemia, rough coat, dark texture, white muscle disease, foot rot, ketosis and other diseases. Nutritional content: This licking brick contains salt, honey, calcium, phosphorus, iron, copper, manganese, zinc, cobalt, iodine and other trace elements.


1. 1. Promote the growth and development of cattle and sheep. Such cattle and sheep licking bricks have passed the scientific formulation of nutrients. The appetite of cattle and sheep is significantly enhanced after eating, which greatly enhances the utilization rate of feed and greatly improves the growth efficiency of cattle and sheep. The cattle and sheep also look stronger and more radiant. Second, it is beneficial to the physical and mental health of cattle and sheep.

2. Because the purpose of licking bricks is: on the one hand, the cattle and sheep should lick them, and on the other hand, they should provide a certain amount of nutrients for the cattle and sheep every day. This nutrient must be present in a certain amount to be effective, or to have maximum effect.










3、增强生育能力,促进胎儿健康发育。 6、防治异食癖,如吃粪便、舔尿等。 7、减少佝偻病、骨质疏松、腐蹄、蹄裂、反复不孕、流产、死产、胎盘滞留、乳房发育不良、乳腺炎、产后泌乳、产后麻痹、被毛粗糙的发生率。





上一篇 什么鹅爱吃草呢(什么鹅喜欢吃草)
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